We have never lived through a time like this.

The whole nation is feeling the impact of a serious health and economic risk.

So it’s vital we keep connecting with one another.

Getting creative with how we communicate has become more important than ever – and we’re up for the task.

Zoom video calls, regular phone chats, and live social media videos are just a few of the ways we’re showing support to one another.

During this period, South Eastern Community Connect is more than 100% committed to the wellbeing of clients, volunteers, staff and families.

While we’re trying to keep as many of our services as possible operational, there’s been a steady decline in community access.

This has resulted in the temporary closure of some programs and activities.

We are also aware some of our families are doing it tough and have encountered job losses.

If you are one of those impacted, we want to ensure you’re aware of the government support available to you.

To access Centrelink payments you need to create a MyGov account.

Once you have a MyGov account you can then link it to government services, including Centrelink. You will need an email address to create a MyGov account.

For further help we suggest you read the MyGov account guide (https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au).

For those of you who register with Centrelink, the Federal Government has just announced it will increase the Jobseekers Allowance (replacing Newstart) by $550.00 per fortnight.

Should you require someone to talk to we have compiled a list of some of the available support services:

Beyond Blue: Visit https://www.beyondblue.org.au or call 1300 22 4636
Lifeline: Visit https://www.lifeline.org.au, call 13 11 14 or text 0477 13 11 14
SANE Australia: Visit https://saneforums.org or call 1800 187 263
Carers Australia (for carers and families): Call 1800 242 636
eheadspace (12 – 25 year olds): Call 1800 650 890

Yours sincerely,

Kate Melhopt

Kate Melhopt, Chief Executive Officer, South Eastern Community Connect

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