‘Don’t buy – borrow!’ is the philosophy behind the toy library.
And Mascot has its very own toy library for parents looking to vary up play options at home.
A yearly membership to the Toy Library in Mascot would buy two large toys.
Wouldn’t you rather borrow more than 100 toys?
A toy library also provides a solution for the endless problem of storage.
+ Tania Rakchaev is your go-to person at our toy library in Mascot.
Parents who use the library can rotate them whenever they wish.
Sustainability is another benefit. Toys are being recycled rather than thrown to landfill.
These kinds of libraries promote child learning and development through play experiences. Toys give children direct experiences and information about themselves and their environment and develop basic awareness, attitudes and skills essential to later learning.
Before borrowing you must become a member by completing a membership form and paying an annual fee.
Whenever you visit us to check out the toys, you can also find out about our other services for families, including our People’s Pantry.
Isn’t that worth a visit?
Why not register your interest in joining now?