Meet Sophia…
She’s a new volunteer in our communications team.
We’re a creative lot here at SECC, and Sophia has the perfect skill-set to support us.
She’s returned to Sydney from a four-and-a-half-year stint as a reporter for a legal magazine in New York.
And before she went to the US, Sophia assisted with grants at the Mary MacKillop Foundation.
She joins the SECC family well-equipped to inspire and inform you, our loyal reader.
In her first week on the job, Sophia shares her top six tips for surviving the apocalypse – we mean lockdown.
Take it away, Sophia!
Six sure-fire ways to survive self-isolation
If you’ve tested positive for COVID-19 or have come into contact with someone who has the virus, you should be self-isolating for at least
14 days to prevent the spread. Isolation can impact on your mental health, but there are things you can do to make the experience better.
1. Keep in touch
Talk to your friends and family on the phone.
Use FaceTime, Zoom or Google Hangouts to catch up with a group.
Maintaining relationships is necessary and important for our mental health.
We need to see other people’s faces.
Many phone companies are adding extra data to plans, helping us stay connected.
2. Meditate
Taking time out of your day to meditate can be a great way to relax and lessen anxiety.
Meditating can take less than 15 minutes, and it’s time spent away from the notifications on your phone or watching the news.
Apps such as Headspace offer guided meditations that can help ease you into the practice.
3. Exercise
Daily exercise can be a great way to break up the day and get out of your head.
There are many YouTube channels offering free workouts or yoga practices, such as Yoga with Adriene, many of which are great for beginners.
Some yoga studios are also offering online classes that you can stream via Zoom.
Above: Image credit: Photo taken by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash.
4. Maintain a routine
If you’re working from home, make an effort to keep to a set schedule
and take regular breaks.
Try to create boundaries between work and non-work time.
When your work day is over, step away from the computer.
5. Have fun.
Take this time to do something for yourself.
Learn a language on Duolingo, bake some bread, read a book or watch a movie you’ve been meaning to get to.
6. Take care of yourself.
Anxiety can easily take over in these situations, but we can take back some control by doing little things for ourselves.
This may be as simple as taking the time to drink a tea you enjoy, eat your favourite chocolates, or have a glass of wine.
And remember, by isolating yourself you are protecting others and doing the right thing.
Stay connected with us
We are doing everything we can to keep supporting you at this time.
Call us on (02) 8338 8506 (Eastlakes) or (02) 7903 0607 (Mascot) if you need a friend.
Or you can follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
And have you checked out our inspirational videos on YouTube lately?
Keep in touch!
(not literally – but you know what we mean…)