When Sharon’s* Aunty Kay* was diagnosed with dementia, she went through stages of denial and confusion. Sharon had been the primary caregiver for her aunty for nine years.

After Kay first forgot about their lunch appointment, Sharon thought it happened because she was distracted. When the same thing happened for the second time, it seemed strange. But when she left home with the stove still burning, alarm bells really started ringing. Sharon finally took Kay to the doctor.

Once the results were in, Sharon felt scared. The word dementia sent ripples down her spine.

Seeing her aunty struggle was tough for Sharon. She started neglecting her own health and personal life to provide the care Kay needed as the dementia took hold.

When Sharon first saw the sign The Cottage Dementia Day Centre, she decided to enquire about what programs they offered.

She spoke to the manager there, who told her about the activities they run for people living with dementia.

The Cottage, which overlooks Sydney Harbour, is open from Monday to Friday and offers activities which help unlock memories and keep brains active.

the cottage

Volunteers give their time to provide friendly conversation and companionship, music, and creative activities.

Clients can attend with a GP diagnosis, through myagedcare.gov.au, or by self-referral.

The daily cost starts at $45 and can be funded as part of an Aged Care Package.

When Sharon completed the referral process, she was soon able to offer her aunty a wonderful place to visit while she took a break of her own.

Kay responded quickly to the stimulating activities and looked forward to every visit.

Sharon will always be thankful for the team at The Cottage on New Beach Road, Rushcutters Bay.

Want to know more about The Cottage? Phone 0423 082 650 or email thecottagecoord@secc.sydney

* names have been changed.

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