Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were Australia’s first explorers, navigators, engineers, farmers, botanists, scientists, diplomats, astronomers and artists; and today we celebrate them as part of NAIDOC Week 2020.
The theme of Always Was, Always Will Be acknowledges that hundreds of Nations and our cultures covered this continent.
All were managing the land – the biggest estate on earth – to sustainably provide for their future.
NAIDOC Week 2020 acknowledges and celebrates that our nation’s story didn’t begin with documented European contact whether in 1770 or 1606, with the arrival of the Dutch on the western coast of the Cape York Peninsula.
Visitors to The Seniors Day Centre in Darling Point celebrated NAIDOC Week with crafts and other activities.
Our coastal Nations watched and interacted with at least 36 contacts made by Europeans prior to 1770.
Many of them resulting in the charting of the northern, western and southern coastlines of our lands and our waters.
SECC has commenced a partnership with Gaimaragal Susan which will see us establish an Australia’s First Nations Peoples Knowledge Circle to work collaboratively for the mutual benefit of South Eastern Community Connect, the Traditional Custodians, First Nations and non-first nation communities, families and individuals.
“This training is being implemented with a view to creating and developing better engagement opportunities in the local community,” CEO Kate Melhopt says.