When Marcia* found out she was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder, she began to rely on her husband Glen more than ever.

Glen was a pillar of strength for his wife, but sometimes found the role of full-time carer exhausting.

Marcia needed constant supervision and support due to her muscle weakness.

And Glen felt tired all the time.

He was missing out on many of his usual social activities to care for her, and his mild depression was worsening.

A welcome suggestion

When he shared this with his GP, she said to contact the Flexible Respite team at South Eastern Community Connect (SECC).

SECC understands the importance of quality respite for carers.

Our not-for-profit organisation offers quality flexible respite to care recipients over 65.

Carers can access up to four hours a week of respite care at a subsidised fee of only $20 per session.

A SECC staff member comes to the home and spends time with the care recipient.

This gives the carer the chance to take a refreshing break or run some errands.

Flexible Respite Care is a great way to take time to rest, or do the jobs you’ve been putting off due to the demands of your caring role.

SECC also offers individual social support to locals, and shopping services.

Contact Irene at South Eastern Community Connect to find out more, on (02) 8338 8506 or email her now


*Name has been changed to protect client.


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