Case Management Support for Young People

SECC’s early intervention case management support is designed to assist young people aged between 12 and 24 years.

Many of the young people we assist are experiencing family breakdowns, trouble with school or the law, or are at risk of homelessness or alcohol and drug use.

Some need intensive support to get back on track or access specialist help.

Our qualified team can meet young people in their own environment or at our Mascot Hub in order to build trust and facilitate positive relationships.

We offer case management support to help young people in such areas as:

  • Family breakdown
  • Accommodation
  • Education and training
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Social support
  • And much more…

For more information or to see how we can support you or a young person you know, speak to a member of our team on (02) 7903 0607.

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