Home Care Package services
Our Home Care Package services
Mystified by My Aged Care?
Need help with your Home Care Package?
We have dedicated Care Officers here to receive your call on (02) 8338 8506.
South Eastern Community Connect is an approved home care service provider, regulated by the Australian government. And we’re ready to talk.
Our aim is to help seniors continue living safely and independently at home for as long as they want to – and are able to – with our support.
The Home Care Package has been rolled out by the Australian government to help seniors access care, and we have specialised care workers here to help you.
There are two steps you need to take before using our services:
1. Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422
2. Request the referral code for the service(s) you need.

Have a question about My Aged Care or your Home Care Package?
Call us today on 02 8338 8506 to get in touch, or fill out the enquiry form below and we’ll be in touch.
What do we offer?
When your parent or loved one partners with South Eastern Community Connect, they will be given a personalised care service especially designed for them.
Our individual consultation service can help them understand the different levels of home care packages, and assist them to get the most value out of their package.
As a provider of choice, our main concern is their needs and health.
Users of the package are given a ‘care budget’, and they determine the level of involvement they’d like in managing their own package.
There are four levels of home care support available, depending on what’s been assigned by the government.
Here are the four levels of home care support currently available:
Level 1: For people with basic care needs
Level 2: For people with low-level care needs
Level 3: For people with intermediate care needs
Level 4: For people with high-level care needs.
The nuts and bolts of our service
Our services include, but are not limited to:
• Personal care, social support, domestic cleaning and respite care
• Nursing and allied health services, including massage therapy
• Leisure and exercise services
• Transport, including bus trips
• Food services, including fruit and vegetable deliveries and help with shopping
• Social groups, and access to our Seniors’ Day Centre in Beaconsfield and Dementia Day Centre in Rushcutter’s Bay
• Other services such as lawn mowing and home maintenance
• Care coordination and case management.
What sets South Eastern Community Connect apart?
• We are a not-for-profit organisation operating only to provide excellent care and quality services to support people in maintaining their independence and wellbeing.
• The quality of our services is our highest priority. Our policies, ethics and best practice operations will give you peace of mind as you choose the journey with us.
• We offer personalised services with one-point of contact.
• We are a local organisation, with staff that live in your community and speak your language. Our caring and passionate team are committed to helping people live comfortably and independently in their own home.
A Home Care Package with South Eastern Community Connect gives your loved one the means to connect with a wide variety of social support activities as well as services which enrich and support your lifestyle.
Who’s eligible?
People who are over 65 years old, and who need assistance to remain living in their own homes.
First of all, the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) will help determine your loved one’s eligibility and package level.
Simply call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422, then give Brooke a call on 02 8338 8506 for more information.
We are always here to help you.