Calling all people 65+ from the Greek community
Step up and Step On! Sign up today by calling Irene on 02 8338 8506.
A strong case for ageing and dementia research
Australia’s population is ageing, which presents a raft of challenges that researchers are working to solve.
A living legacy of art therapy
An interest in painting led Christa Thewes to join an art group in Beaconsfield over a decade ago.
Announcing: The 2023 SECC Fun Day | Jack Mundey Reserve
It’s time to announce the program for The Annual SECC Fun Day!
A Year of Stories: Irene clocks up two decades of caring
When it comes to SECC Aged Care, Irene Trovato is a household name.
New Opportunity: Apply to join SECC as a Board Member
Becoming a Board Member helps you grow as a person. You take on new skills and knowledge that enrich your CV, and you broaden your contacts.
A Year of Stories: A Brief History of SECC
South Eastern Community Connect has a wide, interesting and rich history. Why not discover more about your local neighbourhood centre? SECC volunteer Catherine Schulte did some research and shares how SECC has evolved over the last 43 years.
Position Vacant: Aged Care Support Worker
Looking for a career sea change? We need caring people like you!
Holiday Closing Hours | Mental Health Support Numbers
To everyone celebrating Chanukah, Christmas, and Orthodox Christmas: we wish you all a safe and happy festive season!