A Year of Stories: Our work with families
45 years is a long time. SECC has been supporting the community to live better lives since 1978.
Get creative and share your story
SECC is calling all locals to discover their creative side and share their art for display at our mid-year Creative Showcase 2023.
SECC propagates a Plant Street Library in Mascot
Head down to the SECC Hub in Mascot and you’ll find free seeds and plants to swap and share.
Computer Skills for Seniors: Mascot
Are you or someone you know over 65 years of age and want to improve your computer skills?
A Year of Stories: Our Volunteering Impact
45 years is a long time. SECC has been supporting the community to live better lives since 1978.
Adult carers needed for Macquarie Uni research project
Do you care for a parent who experiences a long-term mental illness, psychological condition, or cognitive disorder?
The 2023 SECC Volunteer Survey: The Results
We’re thrilled to present the results of our annual Volunteer Survey, complete with recommendations for future action steps relating to our volunteer program.
The 2023 SECC Annual Survey: The Results
South Eastern Community Connect (SECC) is on a mission to keep improving, minute by minute, day by day, year by year.
Calling all people 65+ from the Greek community
Step up and Step On! Sign up today by calling Irene on 02 8338 8506.