Why Tina wants to build an aged care village one day
Each week we spend five minutes getting to know a member of our team. This time we’re chatting with our lovely Aged Care Marketing Coordinator Tina Tung about her dream of building a village for seniors complete with cinema and restaurants.
Lockdown is tough. Here are five ways to find your creativity now.
Looking for ways to get creative while stuck at home? Here are a five simple ideas to brighten up your week.
Lockdown is tough. Here are five ways to find your creativity now.
Looking for ways to get creative while stuck at home? Here are a five simple ideas to brighten up your week.
Sophia’s six sure-fire ways to survive self-isolation
If you’ve tested positive for COVID-19 or have come into contact with someone who has the virus, you should be self-isolating for at least 14 days to prevent the spread. Isolation can impact on your mental health, but there are things you can do to make the experience better.
Get app-savvy during COVID-19
The Australian Government has released an official app with essential information about COVID-19. Find out more here.
We’re all in this boat together: A moving message to our older neighbours
We recently found this moving piece of writing by author Ann Voskamp. It speaks beautifully to seniors who might be struggling right now.
UPDATE: What’s changed, and what’s stayed the same?
For the safety of all involved, we’ve had to cancel our social groups and bus trips for older people. We will also need to restrict the services operating out of The Cottage Dementia Day Centre. We have also now closed our offices to the public and will be limiting face-to-face contact.
VIDEO: You are not alone
You are not alone. We’ve got your back – and we’ll get through this together. Enjoy this heartfelt video from our staff.
We have never lived through a time like this.
We have never lived through a time like this. The whole nation is feeling the impact of a serious health and economic risk. So it’s vital we keep connecting with one another. Getting creative with how we communicate has become more important than ever – and we’re up...