JP services on hold
Apologies, but SECC is not offering JP services at this time due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Phone line down at the SECC Hub in Mascot
We’re sorry. The phone line is down at the SECC Hub in Mascot at the moment. For all enquiries relating to the Hub in the meantime, please call 0415 783 558.
Lockdown 2021: New payments available
The government has announced a range of payments and assistance to help businesses and employees affected by the current lockdown.
Are you SECC’s next Finance Manager?
Are you an experienced, ambitious and motivated Finance Manager looking for your next permanent full time career opportunity?
SECC launches lockdown-friendly art course for all abilities
Enjoy connecting and creating with our online, eight-week Eco Art journey.
NSW Health gives ‘stay at home’ message in 58 languages
The NSW Government has released reminders to community members to stay at home during the current lockdown, in 58 languages.
Strict stay-at-home orders issued to help stop the spread
Multicultural NSW has issued strict instructions for the community to stay at home unless it is absolutely essential to leave the house.
Sharon and Kay find a home at The Cottage
When Sharon’s* Aunty Kay* was diagnosed with dementia, she went through stages of denial and confusion. Sharon had been the primary caregiver for her aunty for nine years.
COVID-19 Update: The latest restrictions across Greater Sydney
Given the growing number of infectious cases in the community and unlinked cases of community transmission, COVID-19 restrictions are now tightened across Greater Sydney including the Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour.