$50 taxi vouchers help NSW residents get their vaccines
Taxi vouchers worth $50 are now available to qualifying NSW residents who need support getting to vaccination appointments.
CPR and First Aid course FREE via Zoom
We are offering our CPR and First Aid course FREE via Zoom. Why not book now and skill up so you’re ready in an emergency?
Survival tips: Livin’ la vida lockdown
If you’re like me, you’ve heard a zillion tips on making the most of lockdown. So rest assured I’m not here to tell you how to ‘seize the day’. Sometimes, just getting through the day is hard enough.
Self-care tips from our SMOOSH Educators
SECC has an amazing group of educators who’ve been on the frontlines across various south-west Sydney schools during the pandemic.
Your child’s speech milestones: What to expect
SECC is providing south-east Sydney parents and carers the chance to talk about the topic of Speech in Under-twos.
Find out more about the COVID-19 Disaster Payment
More Australians are now claiming the Federal Government’s COVID-19 Disaster Payment as the COVID-19 crisis continues.
Parents and carers prepare to embrace the power of play
Ready to tap into the power of play and build a stronger connection with your little one?
A message from our CEO: SECC and COVID-19
It’s been a tough month for Sydneysiders, and so many Australians. Here at SECC we want to reassure you we are still here for you.
Free testing and vaccines in Eastlakes every Thursday
Local residents are invited to the new mobile COVID-19 testing clinic in Eastlakes on Thursday.