We’ve been having a great time getting to know each of our SECC staff in our Five Minutes With series.
Today we spend five minutes with our wonderful Centre Coordinator Julie Gray.
Julie’s excellent organisational skills and warm approach makes her a real asset to the SECC team.
Take it away, Julie.
1. What’s your role at South Eastern Community Connect, and how long have you been in that role?
I’ve been Centre Coordinator for the last 13 years.
2. What do you love about your current job?
Helping in the community and making a difference in someone’s life.
Personal trainer Alfred Asirvadham with Julie Gray at a Park Fitness class run by SECC.
3. What was your first-ever job (and what age did you start)?
My first job was as a dental nurse at 18 years of age.
4. What was your favourite TV show growing up?
I loved both MASH and Gilligan’s Island.
5. Which store would you max out your credit card in if money was no object?
Bunnings Hardware, without a doubt.
6. What was your favourite toy as a kid?
Knucklebones (also known as ‘jacks’).
SECC CEO Kate Melhopt with Julie, on the night she won the Sydney Mutual Bank 2019 Award for Excellence.
7. What was your childhood nickname (if any)?
8. What are three things still left on your bucket list?
I would love to do more travel, as well as just relaxing and unwinding.