George Christy loves to talk – and listen.
Which makes him the perfect Aged Care Worker.
George joined the South Eastern Community Connect (SECC) team late last year.
And he loves the lively interactions he has with clients.
“I’ve always wanted to work with people in the community – get to know them and hear about their lives.”
George has worked in many aged care settings, including hospitals and day surgeries.
His warm personality has been an asset to the team, and clients love it when he visits.
“I like to do whatever I can for people, whether it’s cleaning, tidying, or folding towels,” he says.
“The little things make a difference.”
George Christy in Eastlakes.
Back in the day
While he’s new to the role, George has known the centre a long time.
“My nan – Rose Toparis – used to be one of SECC’s clients, 30 years ago,” George says.
“She always enjoyed going on the Greek outings, and was well-known.”
Raised by his grandparents, George loves working for a place which meant so much to his nan.
“The bus used to pick up Nan, and she’d use the taxi vouchers,” he remembers.
Today, some of the clients George works with remember him from those days, 20 years ago.
“She would’ve been 91 this year, George reflects.
“I miss her so much.”
Want to know more about our aged care services in Eastlakes and surrounds? Call us on (02) 8338 8506.