More Australians are facing hunger
Right now, essentials like food are rising at an unprecedented rate.
For people like Anastacia, this makes providing dinner for her children even harder. After suddenly losing her husband in 2022, Anastacia wasn’t sure how she was going to provide for her three children.
Luckily SECC has been supporting her with essentials like rice, pasta, and nappies from our Food Pantry.
“The pantry gets us by week to week” says Anastacia.
Sadly, increasing prices means more people than ever are coming to SECC in need of help – we urgently need support to meet the demand for food.
Will you please donate now to help #FillOurPantry?
Your gift could help put groceries in the cupboards of families like Anastacia’s, so young children don’t have to face bed without dinner, or school without breakfast.
Please help make sure less kids go hungry this week.
You could help ensure families don’t go hungry
Every week, the food pantry opens to help families access food. Inside, they find essentials like rice, pasta and even fresh fruit and veggies.
With the increasing costs of living, more people than ever are coming for help.
Will you make an urgent gift to help ensure families can access a meal for dinner this week?