Every week we spend five minutes getting to know a SECC staff member. Today we chat with our hard-working Family Worker, Food Services Administrator and Toy Librarian Tania Rakchaev.

1. What are three things you like about your job?

  • The staff and volunteers – it’s such an amazing group of people.
  • Helping and engaging with community members.
  • The flexibility and diversity. No two days are the same.

2. What was your first-ever job?

I think I worked as a telemarketer when I was about 14.

3. What was your favourite TV show growing up?

I was not really into following TV series and I was mostly out playing sports.

4. What would you max out your credit card on if money was no object?

Essential oils, books, crystals…

5. What was your favourite toy as a kid?

I had a robot dog that I loved. I’d always wanted a “real” pet but my siblings were allergic to fur so it wasn’t a possibility. This was the next best thing.

6. What was your childhood nickname (if any)?

Tanushka, Tee, Tan.

7. What’s on your bucket list?

  • To travel more – like everywhere.
  • To learn a few other languages.
  • To buy a vacation property.

8. If you had one message for the local community, what would it be?

You are not alone.

Thank you Tania!

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More info on our Toy Library and Food Services.

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