Five Minutes with… Alison
Want to know us better?
We’re kicking off 2020 by telling you what makes us tick.
To start with, we’re spending five minutes with SECC’s Communications Manager Alison Leader. Take it away, Alison.
1. What’s your role at South Eastern Community Connect (SECC)?
I’m the Communications Manager, handling outgoing communications and our marketing strategy. I’ve been in the role since September 2018.
2. What are three things you love about your current job?
- I love the people. I’ve never worked with such a calm, caring and skilled team.
- I love the creative elements of my job. Copywriting is my passion, and I love telling the story of SECC across a range of mediums.
- I also enjoy promoting all the incredible programs we run. Drumming for Wellbeing is awesome if you haven’t tried it already.
Alison Leader, Communications Manager. * Photo by Bec Maw Portraits (
3. What was your first-ever job?
My first official part-time job was in Customer Service at the Sydney Aquarium. I was the first staff member in history to break the intercom system on my first day.
4. What was your favourite TV show growing up?
My mornings would start with The Flintstones, followed by The Jetsons. I also loved Young Talent Time.
5. Which store would you max out your credit card in if money was no object?
K-mart of course!
6. What was your favourite toy as a kid?
I longed for my first Cabbage Patch doll for a whole year. ‘Adopting’ her in Christmas 1988 was the best moment ever.
7. What was your childhood nickname (if any)?
A.J. Foxfire (my maiden name was Fox). Embarrassing, I know.
8. Do you have any phobias?
I’m claustrophobic. I don’t enjoy MRIs, closed tube water slides, or cramped underground car parks.
9. What are three things still left on your bucket list?
- To visit San Francisco with my family
- To graduate from my second Bachelor’s degree
- To do The Color Run with friends. I hope it comes to Sydney again soon…
Watch this space for more Five Minutes With… interviews in 2020.