Board members of NFPs play significant roles.
Serving on the Board of a NFP can be a rewarding, high-impact way for you to support your community.
Becoming a Board member helps you grow professionally and personally.
You will gain new skills and knowledge, broaden your contacts, and contribute in a meaningful way.
SECC is currently looking for a new Board Member to join its team. Could this be you?
SECC’s mission is to foster community wellbeing through the efficient and ethical distribution of resources and services.
SECC supports residents of the following LGAs:
- Bayside (formerly Botany)
- City of Sydney
- Randwick
- Woollahra
- Waverley
- Canterbury-Bankstown (SMOOSH OSHC program only)
- Campbelltown (SMOOSH OSHC program only)
As the highest leadership body of SECC, the Board is responsible for:
- selecting and evaluating the performance of the CEO
- strategic and organisational planning
- ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management
- fundraising and resource development
- approving and monitoring SECC’s programs and services
- enhancing SECC’s public image
- assessing the Board’s own performance as the governing body of SECC.
As our new Board Member, you will:
- Understand South Eastern Community Connect’s mission, rules, strategies and operations.
- Manage and support the services of South Eastern Community Connect when requested to by the Board of Directors.
- Manage and support service users, members, volunteers and staff of South Eastern Community Connect when requested by the Board of Directors.
- Provide leadership and commitment to the aims and objectives of South Eastern Community Connect.
- Ensure that South Eastern Community Connect adheres to governance principles.
- Ensure that as a Board member you adhere to governance principles.
- Be a member of and/or chair sub-committees/task groups as required
- Authorise documents on behalf of South Eastern Community Connect as required.
- Act as a spokesperson and advocate for South Eastern Community Connect when requested by the Board of Directors.
- Attend Board of Directors meetings in accordance with the Constitution.
- Participate or assist in community events in support of South Eastern Community Connect.
- Comply with South Eastern Community Connect Policies and Procedures, including confidentiality.
- Attend training courses as required.
- Take reasonable care of the health and safety of yourself and others.
- Cooperate with South Eastern Community Connect in an effort to comply with WHS requirements.
- Contribute as required to performance reviews and/or evaluations of Senior Leadership Team or the CEO.
- Assist the Board Chair in identifying and recruiting other Board Members.
- Extensive professional experience with significant executive accomplishments in corporate, private, government and/or the non-profit sector.
- Strong organisational and problem solving skills
- Personal qualities of credibility and a passion for improving lives in our community.
- Demonstrated commitment to ethical practice.
- To have an understanding of the needs of individuals and communities who have experienced marginalisation, disadvantage or vulnerabilities such as but not limited to; mental health, social isolation and financial disadvantage, domestic or family violence and migration.
Commitment level:
- Approximately ten [10] hours per month.
- The Board meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month (or as agreed) from 4pm to 6pm.
Are you ready to apply?
All applications should be addressed by email here to the Chairperson, Kathy Forrest.
Further enquiries: 02 8338 8506.