“I was up early and had to say goodbye to Mum and Dad. I didn’t know if I’d ever see them again. It was quite an emotional time…”
Richard Trevor Martin fought in WWII with the RAAF and this video was shown at a recent memorial of his life in Sunnybank, Queensland.
He was farewelled with full honours, a solemn trumpeter and nip of scotch.
Dick was a local, attending Rainbow Street Public School, regularly walking from Randwick to the airport as a pre-teen… then receiving a draft letter in the mail that he’d never forget.
Have your tissues ready for this moving interview with local hero Dick Martin, sharing his story at the age of 96.
How did you celebrate ANZAC Day in lock-down? Our CEO Kate Melhopt tied rosemary to her gate and took a posy to the war memorial at the local park at dawn. Others held candles across their neighbourhood in memoriam.
Thinking of those who can’t celebrate Anzac Day in the normal way today.
We hope it was still meaningful.
- Share your stories with us by emailing Alison at commsmanager@secc.sydney
#lestweforget #seccsydney